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I suppose this post is a bit backward since I’ve been writing about preschool at home for a while. I realized though that starting preschool at home might be overwhelming for some people.
I’ve heard of moms dropping hundreds of dollars on curriculum or getting totally lost in the black hole of Pinterest ideas. Some moms think they’re not qualified to teach their kids. Or maybe they think they can’t afford it.
Well, I’m here to tell you to take a deep breath and chill. Preschool at home is fun! It’s supposed to be fun. And so EASY! Your kiddos are little sponges at this age and if you’re excited to learn they will be too.
Here are my top tips for starting preschool at home:
Talk to your child.
Before you buy or plan anything, ask your preschooler what they would like to learn about. You’ll be shocked at some of the things that interest them. When Squeaks told me she wanted to learn about astronauts, it was the first time I’d ever even heard her use the word astronaut! Be open to conversation. When they ask questions, be willing to answer. It could lead to a fun lesson! The other day we ended up learning about the life cycle of frogs all because Squeaks was talking about a frog toy she had in the bathtub. Pick up fun related books at the library, check YouTube for kid-friendly videos on the subject, or add in some fun coloring pages (you’d probably love my Apple Snacks monthly pages).
Work from their interests.
Just because A is the first letter of the alphabet doesn’t mean you have to start there. If your child is interested in frogs like Squeaks, start with F. Then learn the color green. Next count how many times they can hop like a frog. Talk about the environment a frog lives in. Draw a frog. And suddenly you’ve covered the alphabet, colors, gross motor, math, science, and art. Ta-da!!
Keep school time short and comfortable.
This is preschool, not high school. Our Preschool Journal is set up to take only 10-15 minutes four days a week. Less than half an hour, if they’re really into it, is plenty for the entire day and that includes reading together or any educational games you might incorporate. Then let them go play on their own and use the knowledge they’ve just absorbed. Play itself is learning too!
Also, don’t feel like you have to do school all in one chunk of time or even every day. Split school time up throughout the day if that works better for you and your kiddos. A little in the morning, a little after lunch, maybe even a little before bed. That’s the beauty of homeschooling, it’s flexible!
Enjoy that wonderful flexibility anywhere! Get cozy on the couch to read together, spread a blanket out in the backyard and do school picnic-style, or just spread out on the living room floor or kitchen counter. It’s a perk of homeschooling to learn anywhere, and even do it in your pj’s!
Trust yourself.
I’ve heard a lot of people say they aren’t “qualified” or “aren’t cut-out” to teach their own children. Folks, God made these children custom for you. In my humble opinion, there is no one more qualified. And as their parent, there will be no one more invested, or better cut-out to be their cheerleader, example, and helper. You know what you’re capable of, of course, but let me encourage you! These little people were given to you for a reason and if you put your whole heart and mind into the process of educating them, you won’t let them down and the experience will be awesome for both of you. Challenging YES! But totally awesome. I get to watch little light bulbs going on every day. It doesn’t get better!
Educate yourself.
Do some research on different teaching styles, different learning styles, and decide what your homeschool is going to feel like. Do you like a more traditional set up? Or are you a Charlotte Mason type, or even an unschooler. The styles are endless and the beauty of homeschooling is that you can mix and match to find what works best for you and your family.
Check out this post from The Natural Homeschool for info on some different styles plus a helpful quiz to determine what style is a good fit for you.
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