Just like any other creator I get excited about my latest and greatest creation. Even when every activity I make brings me massive amounts of joy, somehow that joy grows with each addition to the Arrows & Applesauce library. It's no different with this new endeavor. In fact, my new Apple Snacks subscription is pretty much a pure shot of sunshine and happiness. I can feel the joy over these ... Read More about Introducing Apple Snacks! | Coloring & Activity Subscription
Our Top 5 Most Used Homeschool Tools
Over the years a few homeschool tools have stood out as genuinely useful and worth the investment for us. I'm a believer that most extras are just that, extra. You can homeschool your child with a library card and gumption. So when I was asked to share our must-haves, I instead decided to go with most-used, because none of these are musts. They're super handy and fun to have though! I ... Read More about Our Top 5 Most Used Homeschool Tools
Curriculum Picks: First Grade & Kindergarten
We're continuing on with our curriculum picks for the 2022-23 homeschool year! In my last post I outlined what we're planning to use for Squeaks in third grade, and together as a family. In this post I'll be sharing what I have lined up for the boys! Little Dude is entering first grade, while Flash is a big kindergartener! *sob* It just blows my mind! Of course Little Dude and Flash are both ... Read More about Curriculum Picks: First Grade & Kindergarten
Curriculum Picks: Third Grade
As we enter our fourth official year of homeschooling (I still don't totally count Preschool since it's not required here in CA) I'm facing a challenge I haven't really come to terms with in the past. Doing "big kid school" with more than one child! Yes, Little Dude did kindergarten last school year, but it was so laidback and sporadic it didn't feel entirely official. My Kindergarten Journal only ... Read More about Curriculum Picks: Third Grade
Homeschooling Teens | Beyond ABC’s and 123’s
I have followed Ashlee for quite some time and I am so excited to introduce her to you! Watching her on YouTube and following her on Instagram has been a huge encouragement as I imagine the years to come in our homeschool journey. I truly believe she shares her experience of homeschooling teens through the junior high and high school years with the goal of living out Titus 2. I'm thrilled that she ... Read More about Homeschooling Teens | Beyond ABC’s and 123’s