Yesterday marked one year since Evelyn's due date. In another kind of world we would be celebrating a one year old's birthday. Since Squeaks has been home, nothing has changed about how we feel about our first child. Evelyn was and continues to be a blessing. Yes, I miss her. Yes, I wish she was here. But the grief has faded into something closer to gratitude. I am grateful ... Read More about Faded Grief
I've been calling our daughter "baby girl" on our blog in an attempt to give her a bit of personal privacy (babies need privacy too) but it sounds...impersonal. I thought about calling her "V" her first initial (teaser) but it sounds kinda like a super villain. Haha!! Am I right!? So I've waited patiently for her personality to show through and produce a nickname. And so, from hence forth, in ... Read More about Squeaks
The “Stuff”
There were a few things high up on my list of looking-forward-to when baby girl came home. Getting her home was the important part, now we get to enjoy the "stuff" of parenthood. Things like defrosting the milk I pumped for her, putting together her crib, introducing her to the dogs, breaking in the baby wrap I splurged on months before I knew she existed. All the "stuff". It's been wonderful and ... Read More about The “Stuff”
So Flippin Happy!!
I wanted to write about baby girl's first week home as soon as possible so I wouldn't forget any detail. Well, here she is, three weeks old, and I'm just getting to it. Oh well. I've been busy enjoying her. A lot of things have lost importance. A lot of things have become infinity more important. One thing is for sure. We are indescribably happy! Having her home has been the definition of joy. ... Read More about So Flippin Happy!!
Inadequate Vocabulary
I wrote and rewrote my next post about the days between our daughter's birth and the six day wait until she was finally home. I just couldn't get it the way I wanted. I guess I don't have the vocabulary to describe it. Maybe some of the adoptive parents out there will understand. The rest of you will just have to use your imaginations. Think stressful, beautiful, peaceful, heart wrenching ... Read More about Inadequate Vocabulary