Another homeschool year is in the books! This year was unlike any other though and it'll definitely show in this review. Moving has a way of throwing off a solid routine. My previous Year End Curriculum Reviews have been helpful as I plan the upcoming year and I know many of you appreciate the feedback too. I'll repeat my same disclaimer as usual though. What works or doesn't work for ... Read More about Year End Curriculum Review | First, Second, and Fourth Grade
Exploring The Scientific Method With Kids
A few months back Squeaks got really into the "Zoey and Sassafras" book series. It follows a young girl named Zoey and her cat, Sassafras, as they use the scientific method to help magical creatures with various problems. Each story emphasizes the steps of the scientific method—asking questions, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and drawing conclusions—making science fun! Squeaks was ... Read More about Exploring The Scientific Method With Kids
Benefits of Teaching Kids The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord's Prayer has been a central part of my life since childhood. It has always felt so comforting. It has structure and rhythm but is poetic and simple too. It's powerful but easy enough for even a child to remember with a little practice. It has everything a prayer should have which is why Jesus told us to "pray like this". When I was a kid and got scared at night I would say the Lord's ... Read More about Benefits of Teaching Kids The Lord’s Prayer
Habit Training Kids
It's February, a.k.a the doldrums of the school year. The shiny new curriculum you started last fall is dragging a little and you've started to count the weeks until summer break (or spring break. Or any break!). Your daily rhythm is starting to look a little squidgy 'round the middle and all those good routines you set in place are much less structured. Let's face it, it's time to strap on those ... Read More about Habit Training Kids
Reading Through The Bible With Kids
Happy New Year!! We're excited to see what God has planned! And with a new year comes a new goal- reading through the Bible. I confess, that while I have read and studied my Bible frequently, I have never intentionally set out to read every single book. I don't personally find it necessary to confine this goal to a one-year timeline, but I am excited to see how long it will take us. I'm ... Read More about Reading Through The Bible With Kids