Our girl is as healthy as they come. At her most recent check up she weighed a sturdy 16lbs 1.8oz and measured 25.2" long. I'm sure you can tell from the pictures I post she is by no means starving. She LOVES to eat, and thanks to our more than generous breast milk donors, she hasn't had a drop of formula since she's been home. Personal high five, fist bump, cartwheel!! I've been ... Read More about Avocado Breast Milk Soup
Fluffy Butt | Our Cloth Diapering Pros & Cons
We are officially a cloth diapering household! I've really looked forward to this. I first became interested in cloth diapers because they looked so cute. I was hooked when I found out how much money you save over the course of the child's diapering years (spend an average of $2,000 for disposables, as apposed to $500.00 for cloth). I actually find cloth diapering just as easy as disposable. ... Read More about Fluffy Butt | Our Cloth Diapering Pros & Cons
Not Crazy | Why I Stopped Pumping
I've gone back and forth on writing a blog post about this ever since our adoption shower. I had decided to tell this story at our shower because I knew my audience, friends and family, and I knew they wouldn't have me committed. At least I was fairly sure. I share it with you now because it's a huge part of Squeaks' story. It's also a big conformation of God's power and His love for me. Frankly, ... Read More about Not Crazy | Why I Stopped Pumping
This room. This little room. It's held so much hope. I've sat on the floor, leaned against the wall, wandered in and out, and sometimes, kept the door shut out of sadness. I've written about the room across the hall from our bedroom before. Now it has an owner! It has a little person who will play on the floor, pull clothes from the dresser drawers, and someday, probably color on the walls when ... Read More about Occupied
Our Adoption Shower!
I am so excited to share the pictures from this special day with you! We waited a long time for this. My mom and mother-in-law worked so hard and did an amazing job putting everything together. It was the Dr. Seuss baby shower of my dreams complete with a blessing tree and heartfelt speeches. The morning of was a bit of a rush as we realized I had a dyslexic moment when making the invites, ... Read More about Our Adoption Shower!