Squeaks is most definitely not what you would call a difficult kid. In fact she's amazingly compliant and well behaved. She is two and a half though, and it has become helpful to have a visual aid when discussing behavior and discipline. As I searched for a tool, something to point to and discuss consequences, I was unable to find many options that emphasized wisdom and not just ... Read More about Wise Choices Discipline Chart Printable
Pride Goeth Before Sleepless Nights
I was proud of how well Squeaks slept. Most nights she would go down at her usual bedtime of 8:30pm and not wake up till 7:30 the next morning when Josh and I started making noise getting ready for the day. Eleven hours straight! A "rough" night would happen here and there with one or to wake ups. I'd rock her back to sleep, no need to feed or change her, and she'd go right back down after about ... Read More about Pride Goeth Before Sleepless Nights
It Is Finished | Squeaks’ Adoption Finalization
What a weekend it was! Our family seems to lump important happy events around Easter. I think this is fitting considering the newness, hope, joy, and undeserved grace Easter represents. Why do I get to be so happy, so blessed?! Only by the grace of God! Three years ago on Easter we announced our intentions to adopt. Two years ago I heard a special promise and our daughter came into existence. ... Read More about It Is Finished | Squeaks’ Adoption Finalization
Knock Me Over With A Feather
I'm about to type something I never thought I'd type again. I'm pregnant! Before I start explaining, I want to make something clear. This blog is not going to turn into a pregnancy blog. I promise. I remember when we were in our wait, I was reading a blog by another hopeful adoptive mom who unexpectedly became pregnant and I immediately had no desire to continue reading her blog. Infertility is ... Read More about Knock Me Over With A Feather
Dear Sweet Daughter Of Mine,
I felt an overwhelming need to put my love for you into writing tonight. So here I am at 11:30pm, incredibly tired, typing away on my iPad. You've been asleep for the past few hours and I miss you. So much so that I look at pictures of you and feel a longing even though you're in the next room. Do you know how much you're loved? Today was no different than the majority of our days. We both ... Read More about Dear Sweet Daughter Of Mine,