Our busy binders have been an ever evolving part of our learning world. It started off as only one binder with a handful of fun Pinterest finds. It was the busy binders that inspired me to start making our own activities. I caught busy binder fever if you will. *giggle snort* Judge my nerdiness if you like but these busy binders are a favorite of Squeaks. On days when we're not really ... Read More about Our Homeschool Day: Preschool Busy Binder
Our Homeschool Day: Calendar Time
I take a very relaxed approach to how we homeschool. I really don't want to rush anything and squash any natural desire to learn. We have been focusing more on learning through playing rather than using structured activities. Lately, though Squeaks has been asking for some activities more than others, so I thought I'd share what homeschooling looks like for us these days. We only do school maybe ... Read More about Our Homeschool Day: Calendar Time
3 Things To Keep After Adopting
I'm the kind of person that loves keepsakes. I get sentimental about the littlest things. For example, Josh and I have a shoe box full of little memories from our highschool years. Movie ticket stubs, a deflated balloon from our first Valentines day, a menu Josh made from the first dinner he cooked me. Theses are things I'll never throw away. My keepsake hording only increased once I had kids. ... Read More about 3 Things To Keep After Adopting
Flash’s Birth Story
I understand a lot of my readers are from the adoption community and a birth story may not be high on your list of things you'd like to read, but I don't like the idea of separating our family story into two worlds, adoption and biological. So, although Little Dude's full birth story is on my pregnancy blog, I decided to write Flash's here. My children are all mine, no need to step ... Read More about Flash’s Birth Story
My Cord Of Three Strands
Oh how I wish I hadn't fallen so far behind on posting! I miss this so much. I logged on and realized I haven't written since our pregnancy announcement LAST November! I can give all the usual excuses, most of which involve being pregnant and running after two toddlers, but I think I'll skip that and share the fun stuff first. We had a super easy pregnancy. Aside from the fact that my hormones ... Read More about My Cord Of Three Strands