Squeaks had just turned three when she officially gave up naps in favor of a mid day quiet time. It directly coincided with the devastating loss of her pacifier (she chewed a hole in it and I refused to replace it). While it was an adjustment for both of us, we have since come to look forward to quiet time in our house. A little break for both mama and Squeaks while the boys nap. Squeaks is the ... Read More about Quiet Time Bins For Preschoolers
Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt | FREE Printable
Okay this might be my favorite printable yet. It's a grocery store scavenger hunt game! Tell me that doesn't sound like a ton of fun for a kid. Squeaks loves it! One of the many perks to homeschooling is the ability to do school anywhere and anytime. Learning about the world while out in the world. We do our grocery shopping once a week and the kids always come with us. It's a whole family ... Read More about Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt | FREE Printable
Our Printables Library | FREE Homeschool Planner
I'm excited to formally introduce my new Printables Library! I've posted about it here and there on my Facebook and Instagram but I haven't mentioned it in a blog post yet. I just LOVE making fun printables and I decided to make a special page where you can have access to all of them in one place instead of searching through individual posts. Making printable activities is not only useful to me ... Read More about Our Printables Library | FREE Homeschool Planner
How I Avoided Being Induced
As Flash approaches six months old (way too fast I might add), I'm looking back at my last pregnancy with a little bit of sadness. Our family definitely feels complete now but the realization that I'll never be pregnant again has a little (very little) sting. Our kids are here and we're not dealing with the stress and anxiety of adoption or pregnancy anymore. I suppose it's a post-infertility ... Read More about How I Avoided Being Induced
Our Homeschool Day: Preschool Journal
Squeaks' preschool journal has been one of the most consistent and long-running activities we have done since we started playing school. We started a preschool journal about a year ago now and it has remained a favorite. If you're unfamiliar with the concept (because no, preschoolers don't journal there daily activities or record their thoughts and dreams diary-style) a preschool ... Read More about Our Homeschool Day: Preschool Journal