I left my last post about adding Classical Conversations to our homeschool off with a bit of a cliffhanger. We're still at it, adding this rich classical curriculum to our routine. But it was a bumpy start. Traditionally, C.C. groups meet once a week for presentations, review, activities, and community support. When it works well, it's an amazing way to help your little ones (and mom) get in ... Read More about Classical Conversations At Home
Printable Double Digit Math Robot
Introducing my Place Value Robot's twin brother, Double Digit Robot! This cute guy has been a huge help to us as we move forward in our math curriculum this year. After facing our place value hurdle, we've moved on up to double digit addition and subtraction! My little math junky is thrilled to see these larger numbers. Adding this fun robot to our practice arsenal has been a huge help in ... Read More about Printable Double Digit Math Robot
Adding Classical Conversations To Our Homeschool Routine
It's been quiet here lately, and it's because we've had some major changes to our homeschool routine! We're adding Classical Conversations to the mix, and couldn't be more excited about it! Ever since I decided to homeschool my kids (all the way back before they existed and I was in high school), I knew I wanted to try Classical Conversations. So it's been awhile. So many aspects of ... Read More about Adding Classical Conversations To Our Homeschool Routine
Our First Grade Busy Binder
Our busy binders were a constant companion to our curriculum last year (see our Kindergarten Busy Binder), and I don't see this year being any different. I can't wait to show you all the fun things packed into our first grade busy binder! Busy binders continue to be one of my favorite ways to keep hands on learning tools organized. As a household sans homeschool room, there are no ... Read More about Our First Grade Busy Binder
First Grade Homeschool Curriculum Picks
I cannot believe I'm writing about first grade homeschool curriculum right now! Squeaks' Kindergarten year and Little Dude's first year of preschool flew by! With Little Dude doing two years of preschool, not much will change for his routine. I have a few things in the works for him (that I will gladly share when finished) but it will be mostly learning through play and lots of reading. So this ... Read More about First Grade Homeschool Curriculum Picks